Village Savings and Loans Associations are a validated micro-finance tool. They are self-managed, community based savings groups that exist all over the world. Currently, Marianne Foundation has over 50 groups comprised of over 900 participants. At inception, each group undergoes a savings, loaning, financial literacy and budgeting course and then is given a loan to start a project of their choice. Then, members implement the project and pay off the initial loan. As the project becomes profitable, members are able to take out loans from the projects in order to pay for personal expenses. At the end of each year, each member is able to keep a share out from the program. Members offer each other financial assistance in times of emergency, as well as for social support.
Projects examples include:
In this video, a member of one of our VSLA groups, Medius Mutangizi, describes how VSLA and the Marianne Foundation have helped her to achieve financial empowerment!
In August of 2022, we registered and opened our first SACCO - savings and credit cooperation - for our women involved in the VSLA program. They are now able to lend and save money directly from a physical office and are officially registered.
Over 200 women have opened accounts!
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